Location Means Everything . . . . . To The Success Of A Local Business !

Every Local Business NEEDS Location Marketing To Get Konnected To MORE Local IDEAL Clients !

What is Location Marketing?

Location marketing is better known as Local GMB Maps Marketing.

Will Local GMB Maps marketing benefit your business?

If you’re in a business that primarily caters to local consumers within specific communities, then the answer is — ABSOLUTELY!

In fact, it is reported that 97% of Google searches are based on local searches.

Of those, 88% of consumers performing local business searches on their mobile phone have visited OR called a business within one day.

Would getting more local consumers to call your business boost your bottomline?

We're determined to make a business grow. Our only question is, will it be yours?

By now you’ve heard of search engine optimization or SEO, as it is more commonly referred.

You’ve definitely heard about social media marketing and quite possibly, content marketing.

Do you want

MORE qualified appointments ?

We're determined to make a business grow. Our only question is, will it be yours?

But what is this local maps marketing all about?

To answer that, we will look at the following example:

Let’s say that you are a consumer in Dallas TX looking for a local dentist.

So, you open up GOOGLE and search the following phrase “Dentist in Dallas, TX” .

Now, what’s intriguing is what comes up in your search engine results.

Nearly 100% of the time, you now find a map section with 3 listings (Google Maps 3 pack) at the very top for dentists in the area (instead of seeing a list of website URLs / links like we use to see) .

The dentists that are not in the top 3, are NOT relevant (at least for this search).

In this scenario, you’ll see a map of a section of Dallas with red POIs (points of interest) for 3 local dentists.

Beneath that, there’s a list of 3 dental offices with their address, phone number, star rating, hours, website link, and directions.

If done right, your business listing will appear in the Google Maps 3 pack, like these 3 above.

How impactful would that be for your business?

The sole purpose of Local Maps marketing is to help local consumers find your business easier.

This is particularly important for small local businesses that are relatively unknown throughout the city.

But how do you get into that location?

First, you need to claim/create your Google My Business listing, then optimize it.

That's where we come in. We OPTIMIZE IT!

We Optimize it into the Google 3 Pack and KEEP it there.

We Do All Of This . . . .

  • Provide Top 3 Maps Position VISIBILITY Throughout Your City

  • Build Higher TRUST From Leads Through Review Management

  • Get MORE CALLS From Qualified Leads Needing Your Business

MORE VISIBILITY + MORE TRUST (from reviews) = MORE CALLS into your business !

We will get your business higher visibility, help build more trust through review management, which will get your phones ringing.


If that sounds good to you, click the button below to BOOK A CALL with us now.

Do you want

MORE qualified appointments ?

We're determined to make a business grow. Our only question is, will it be yours?



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